Tree felling, removal, splitting and chipping
We plan and carry out tree removal to suit your trees as well as your yard. We fell your trees by climbing, using a skylift or by other means fit for purpose, always based on a professional analysis. We also offer removal of brushwood and trunks. We usually chip the brushwood for ease of transport, and tree chips are well suited as ground cover in gardens around bushes and trees. We can split the tree blocks into firewood using an efficient wood splitter.

Stump grinding
We can remove your tree stumps and roots well under ground to give place for your lawn or other plants. The chips produced by the stump grinders carbide teeth are suitable for covering the ground around trees and bushes. On request we also transport the chips to the city dump, and seed lawn where the tree stood. Tree stumps make lawn mowing and snow shoveling difficult. It takes 10-30 years for a tree stump to decompose naturally, and it can only be removed with a large excavator or a stump grinder. Our stump grinders do not damage your lawn and they come in three different sizes, depending on your needs.

Tree care, planting and inspection
Having the right tree planted the right way in the right spot with skill and care provides it with the good start it needs to thrive and survive. Your tree needs protection and care taking, especially in a built environment. How are your trees doing? Do they need attention? We inspect and offer the services your trees need!

We prune apple trees, fir hedges as well as large broadleaved trees from the ground, by climbing the tree or using a skylift. By pruning your trees regularly you protect them from the surroundings and vice versa.